Thursday, October 19, 2006

10/18/2006 A Journey by Themselves! You would think that as much as these German Shepherds loooove water, the two of them would b ecstatic to take a bath. HA! If it has to do with scrubbing, forget it—but they’re all a-twitter when it comes to the rinsing off part!—As long as it’s on their terms—“Water! I need water in the mouth—NOW!—Let me just CHASE it for awhile—PLEASE!!” Sometimes I’m smart enough to outsmart them into thinking they’re really just playing in their pool and not taking a bath (yeah, right…!) They really are a hoot!
Fact: German Shepherd Dogs should be bathed rarely to help avoid dry skin.
Tip: Dry skin is largely due to improper rinsing of shampoo (other than allergies or skin problems). Full & proper rinsing after shampooing your dog will help prevent dry skin—and the itching associated with it.

Our two German Shepherds…My comfort and my joy! I used to take them everywhere with me until the weather got too warm to travel in the van. I have recently been suffering from seizures. As goofy as Bella is, she seems to know when a seizure is coming on, as she sticks to me like glue for two or three days prior, which can be both a little frightening but also serves to give me a little comfort in knowing that I’m never alone. My most recent seizure involved me not feeling well for a few days prior. While playing ball with them I collapsed in the front yard shortly after my husband, Joe, left for work. Mia & Bella never left my side.
They tend to serve as good nurses: Mia usually hovers over me & alternates nudging me with her nose, pacing and laying very close to me, while Bella lies next to me and periodically licks my face. During the days that follow, they seem to watch me very closely and walk with me from room to room as I do my household chores; my two, dear, mother hens! I am grateful for their company and always assured by their love.

Ahhhh…turning 50 has never been so grand! YYYYYYep, I turned Ol’ Fart 50! I greeted everyone at the door with my hair in curlers, wearing leopard colored slippers, my grandmother’s nighty, and using an oil funnel as a hearing horn, yelled out, “EH?? AHH CAN’T HEAR YE!!!! LOL The reactions that I received upon opening the door, was hilarious! Bella was naturally intrigued by the slippers—just another soft toy for her to play with—NOT!—And I lost one of the curlers which both Mia & Bella found to be most entertaining—“Heyyyy, non-edible!!” Also on this occasion, we have had Mia exactly one year (she was last year’s b’day present)—so naturally she had to wear a birthday hat—what German Shepherd leaves home without her birthday hat???—One can tell from this picture, how excited she was to wear it, especially after popping one of the balloons; she was certainly the dog’s woof!!
My son, Richard was also returning home from the Marine Base at Camp Lejeune, NC; his first leave home since June. We were also celebrating his 20th b’day since he was unable to celebrate it the month before due to his deployment. Our shepherds, Mia & Bella cried & cried when they saw Richard—jumping & leaping & knocking each other down—their long lost brother! LOL
In celebration of all 3 events, we had a party at the house with family & friends—our 1st party since the arrival of our German Shepherds. And since it was also the first time that Mia & Bella have been exposed to so many people at one time, I thought it wise to put them on the deck where we could close the gate; They were truly the best little angels! Don’t worry; they were treated with many visits from our guests—amidst much Frisbee & ball throwing (I don’t know who was getting a better workout, the dogs or the guests)!
FACT: German Shepherd Dogs should never be yelled at. One will have more control and better response if their master's voice remains calm, yet firm. Until the next dig….Pamela

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About Me

Upstate, South Carolina, United States
We are new at creating blogs and websites and wish to welcome all of our visitors to our sites. Joe has been a chimney sweep for over 27 years and also runs an online chimney supply business. Please see our link in the link area.